8. Quantum dot spin qubits: Jan Klos

Show notes

We continue to feature some of our experimental physicists. In this episode, we talk to Jan Klos, PhD student and associated member of ML4Q. Jan - who is almost done with his PhD thesis - performed his project in the group of Hendrik Bluhm and Lars Schreiber at the JARA Institute for Quantum Information. In the episode, Chris talks with Jan about going from a Master project in simulating quantum dot spin qubits to a PhD project fabricating them. They also discuss outreach, student supervision, thesis writing and working with engineers.

00:00:00 Intro

00:00:35 Undergraduate studies, Bachelor thesis at Fraunhofer ILT

00:02:20 Master studies in theoretical solid-state physics and quantum information at RWTH Aachen

00:05:25 Settling on the Master project with Dr. Lars Schreiber

00:07:30 Basic principle of spin qubits and quantum dots

00:09:30 Simulating quantum dot spin qubits

00:16:15 What do you enjoy more – theoretical or experimental work?

00:20:11 Getting started with the PhD project

00:22:57 Beyond silicon – talking about other materials

00:26:05 Academic silicon vs. industry silicon

00:28:49 Partnering up with engineers at the Institute of Semiconductor Electronics

00:34:45 How did you build your first quantum dot device?

00:36:48 Partnering up with industry to transfer academic know-how

00:38:20 How is your day-to-day life in the lab?

00:43:35 Supervision of Bachelor and Master students

00:49:00 1 or 2?

00:52:33 Impact of quantum dot spin qubit research on materials science

00:53:55 More quantum dots or better quantum dots?

00:54:55 Aluminum oxide or silicon oxide?

00:57:09 How does ML4Q influence PhD students

00:58:16 Outreach activities

01:00:40 Future of quantum

01:02:00 Finishing the PhD thesis

01:06:46 Plans after the PhD

Visit https://ml4q.de/ml4qa/ for more podcast episodes.

Visit https://ml4q.de/stories/ for more stories from our researchers at ML4Q.

Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/ML4Q_cluster.

Homepage of the JARA Institute for Quantum Information: https://www.quantuminfo.physik.rwth-aachen.de/

Contact Jan via E-mail: jan.klos(at)rwth-aachen.de or via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-klos/

Host: Christian Dickel


Technology by Keys of Moon | https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Discovery by Scott Buckley | https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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